jeudi 2 juin 2011

Salade Liégeoise d'été

Il existe deux sortes de salade liégeoise, la première 'hivernale' ( a suivre dans les prochains mois) et celle ci, qui est la version estivale. Simplement cuire les 'haricots princesses',auxquels on ajoutera les lardons légèrement dore ainsi que les tomates, sans oublier les pommes de terre,en agrémentant le tout d un généreux filet de vinaigrette.


There are two types of Salade Liegeoise, the first one "hivernal" is a speciality for the winter time ( that you will probably discover in the next season ) and the one just prepared that is called "estivale" because it is of course an adaptation for the summer time.
You simply cook the green bean that we call "haricot princesse" in french. You can add the bacon pieces that have been grilled just enough and then the tomatoes. Don't forget to cut some patatoes in it if you like to eat it as a main dish, and very important, parfum the all mix with a well prepared vinegar sauce.

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